Thursday, February 14, 2019

Downward Dog & Mountain Pose Mastery

Today, I decided to start my weekly studies. Each week I will be focusing on a specific yoga pose and perfecting it! In my life I’ve noticed that I do better with structure and consistency. One of the biggest things about this yogic journey is knowing oneself and respecting it. I’ve learned a lot about myself recently. I am almost a completely different person, but that’s what this journey is about. I am adopting a lifestyle, and with that many changes will come.
The yogic lifestyle I am choosing to embody is my own and I can’t wait to live my dreams. So, let’s talk about this weeks poses. This week I will be mastering Downward Dog and The Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Now, Mountain pose is simple. Literally you are just standing still on you mat, feet planted to the ground. Mountain pose connects you to your inner oneness. 
Let’s move on to Downward Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana. The Downward Dog is a pose is a therapeutic and rejuvenating pose. It helps calm the mind and life spirits! You will find that Downward Dog helps with digestion, fatigue and blood flow! Now, in order to master Downward Dog, I need to get to the point where my heels touch the ground. Once I can do that I’ll move to variations mastery lol! Just journey is so interesting... I have just learned so much already! 
My narcolepsy causes extreme fatigue, so this move could help with my overall energy if I incorporate it into my life. My sleeping disorder causes me to have random sleep attacks during the day due to exhaustion! I’m waiting on some things to go through in regards to my health that could really change my life. It’s all about manifestation! You have to go out the and take control of your by staying positive and living this life the best way you can! Stay tuned!! I’ll have more interesting information for you soon! I’ll be starting daily guided meditation video sessions starting this week as well so go ahead and subscribe to the blog or like and follow!!! I love you everyone and enjoy this beautiful day! 💫Namaste, Ase 🙏🏾💫
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